Prospective residents might recognize South Florence as the diverse birthplace of eminent personalities like Ronald McNair, Darla Moore, and Melvin Purvis. And while nearby smaller towns like Olanta and Scranton offer smaller communities and emphasize their natural landscapes, Florence is a hub of technological innovation that is supported by an extensive infrastructure.
Another reason that Florence is notable at this time is that many individuals and families are choosing to relocate to the southern part of Florence. This trend is not random and is certainly influenced by the fact that new home prices here are quite reasonable, especially when compared to the amenities available in this region. No matter how large your family is or how limited your budget is, you are sure to find your dream home here.
Living in South Florence means you are surrounded by friendly neighbors, beautiful nature, and fresh air. This area is well-planned to include all amenities of daily life, be it grocery shop, shopping mall, café, restaurant, park, library, club, entertainment center or even fitness studio. Lake City area is famous for its agricultural business having world’s largest bean market. Big cities within this region offer ample employment opportunities since corporate houses like Honda Motor and Santee Cooper have manufacturing units here. Commuting between different parts of the region is also easy whether you take public transport or drive your own car.
Two resources that are essential for any community, especially to prospective residents, are education and healthcare. Public and private schools are scattered throughout the region so that kids from any corner can have access to quality education. Internationally known Francis Marion University is also not away. Residents of this neighborhood get health care support from local doctors, pharmacies and McLeod Regional Medical Center.
If you are interested in moving to South Florence but aren’t sure about taking the first step, don’t even worry. New Home Source can help you get your search started and we’ll be there every step of the way as you look for the perfect home. Every single house has a unique design and is built with utmost care. All you need to do is see which one is right for you.