Mechanicsville is located in Hanover County, Virginia in the zip code 23116 area. A lot of famous people were born in Mechanicsville, mostly people in the music industry, with the most prominent being singer-songwriter Jason Mraz.
All these successful artistes found success because they had a well-rounded education in Mechanicsville. As education is the key to a brighter future, the area is adequately populated with good schools from elementary schools, middle schools and high schools to ensure the proper development of your child’s mind from a young age. These schools have received very high ratings in the past. This is also strategically located in close proximity to a number of universities in Virginia and other institutions of higher learning.
Mechanicsville has an unemployment rate of 3.4%. It also depicts a job growth rate of 1.58% and a prediction of a job growth rate of 39.76% over the next ten years, according to “Sperling’s Best Places”. The income per capita in Mechanicsville is $31,605 and the median household income stands at $72,170. Therefore, the area is a suitable place to run your business and settle down comfortably.
There are many recreational spots here for a weekend out with the family, such as Cold Harbor Battlefield Park and Garthright House, Spas, Restaurants and Cafes. Moreover, the Richmond Archery Tag and the Antique Village provide fun activities, which could fill your entire weekend.
The area is a cozy place to live with a light suburban feel. It is covered by an adequate road network that enables one to move about without much difficulty when carrying out their business. Moreover, it is a secure area to settle down in and raise a family comfortably within a friendly community.
NewHomeSource provides easy access and listings to the various beautiful homes in the area, sorted according to one’s preferences, within a price range of $164,990 to $740,000.